Sunday, December 4, 2011

chapter 3-point of view Riki

Point of view- Riki
I was falling and falling into the darkness. I was screaming but no sound came out.  I kept falling till I landed on something soft… it felt like a pillow. Was this my passage to heaven? I looked for the light. I felt warmth. It felt like fire flames. It started to get bigger and bigger and I got swallowed by it. The fire faded away like fog and I was still blinded. I could hear voices. They were speaking to me. No, they were speaking about me.
“This can’t be… it just doesn’t seem right. Rebecca whimpered.
“There’s nothing we can do. We must grant him his last wish”. Scott spoke in a candid manner.
“We all sign a contract and we all agree, He wished to be cremated. Load up the fire Thor” Scott’s voice amused me.
“Don’t I get a say in this? Maybe I want something different with flowers…” I spoke up. Opening my eyes for the first time in what felt like forever.  I then picked myself up and sat upright on the metal table.  I was then talking to Rebecca who looked as if she saw a ghost.
“Riki, look at the scanner.” This wasn’t right. It showed that I was dead but no decay or deterioration in muscle what so ever. No heart pumping. Yet I felt fine.
“This can’t be!” I yelled!
“It is” Scott spoke in sincerely.  
“But why?”
“Maybe you were not ready to go yet. Maybe you’re given a second chance of living life.
“You call this living? I’m not living! I am dead and moving, I’m a zombie! I was starting to fume. If I were alive I would be turning red with anger.
“Actually zombies are part alive and eat flesh…” Thor spoke in
I glared at him, his snide comment made my eyes roll.

“Maybe we should run a few tests. There might be a cure… or you might have something rare…”
“Oh. You wanna test? Ok let’s test Riki and see what he can do. I said in a playful manner. Let’s probe Riki and see what happens. Look at the cause and effects...                   
            I jumped up. I was in my blue striped boxers but it didn’t matter.  I got up and looked at the surgical tools I was too familiar with. I grabbed the sharpest knife and cut open my flesh on my palm. A gap opened and my skin hung to the sides. Everyone looked wide eyed. Nothing happened. I felt no pain. No blood came gushing out. Rebecca cried and ran out of the room. I then glared at Scott who did nothing. I turned around and ran. I ran out of the building. I ran all the way to the streets. People stopped and stared but I ran.  
I then opened my eyes. Stopping the movie in my mind. The sun blinded me and I sat up. My clothes were damp. They had dried from the heat of the sun. I looked at the ocean, the suns reflection gleaming on the surface. I remembered the girl. The water girl. I got up and walked back to my house to change. I knew what I had to do.

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