Saturday, November 26, 2011

Chapter 1- Point of view Enya

Chapter 1
Point of view-Enya

    I’m dancing in the water, the water glides over my arm when I push it out towards me. A mini tornado appears when I spin rapidly under the water. My long brunette hair glides behind me, not heavy with the weight of the water but not dry.  I smile for under the depths of the lake I can see the shimmers of light reflect upon the surface. In the cool water the heat soaks in my skin, and I absorb it. The water should be pouring into me.  For I should look like a sponge but my skin breathes in the water but does not catch and soak it in, even though a normal person’s skin would have. But me, normal? Only in your dreams. There something different about me, I have been swimming and dancing on the lakes floor for about 3 days now. Not coming up for air once. Oh, I can breathe yes, but I can also breathe underwater as well.   Water, just the thought of water can get me in high spirits. I dance and bend with this fabulous liquid. I love to control it and move with it. Water is powerful and can transform into wondrous creations.  I start to concentrate though with my practice I have had, it’s not hard and I easily create a water orb and toss it between each hand as if it was a water balloon so light yet it pulled down with gravity. But there is no gravity. Not for me, and I toss the orb, from one hand to the other, still consternating in the back of my mind so the water is contained moving rapidly in circular motions.
A shrilling scream starts to get louder and louder, it disrupts me and I get startled. The water orb then breaks and water rushes out and blend in with its surroundings.  Startled, all I can do is just float in the middle of the lake’s water and listen. The shrill of the yelling is getting closer, and then a huge splash of bubbles appears blurring an object that has approached into the water. The bubbles head for the surface and disappear, clearing the objects its hiding. A man is slowly sinking down in the lake.
He then opens his eyes. He seems to be staring at his hands he then opens his mouth and screams. His eyes clenched tight together. He does not choke but just screams into the water, muffled through the thickness of water.  The man then gazes in front of him; a good 35 feet away from him… was me. He gazes at me, turning his head slightly as if he was seeing what he thought he saw. As If he was imagining a girl in the water. I gaze at him, then turn around and start to swim away. I’m a fast swimmer since I spend most of the days in water. He is amused and swims after me.
 What is wrong with this man? Is he really thinking he can out swim me? I gave a small laugh, but then I found something strange bothering me, this man was chasing me, I needed to hide. I came to a quick stop, just as I was 10 feet in front of him. I then take form of the water. Call it becoming one with the water if you wish, it’s almost like being invisible. The man halts. He looks off into the distance and stares, concentrating as if he might be able to spot me if he were to look harder. Being hidden with the water, I slowly move towards him. It’s not hard moving in water it’s just like air. I walk towards him and get face to face with this man. He still is staring off into the distance. He can’t see me, yet I see him crystal clear. It gives the feeling when one looks through a dark glass window and can see everything while the other one is blinded.  I glare into his hazel eyes. Light chocolate with flecks of yellow. They mirror the shade of a forest. I start to get lost in them drowning in their depth. Then the man shakes his head. He breathes out his nose and wrinkles form on his temples. He is thinking hard. I then swiftly move around him and examine him. His legs were average but strong. Legs like that are good for running.   He had the perfect body he wasn’t fat or skinny. He must work out to keep a figure like that. His hair was raven black which glimmered under the water. He had some thick bangs that moved across his face. Almost on cue, the man then took his soft but strong hand and swept the wet bangs to his right side.  His hair was fine but it was also thick like. He had medium size side burns and his hair ended on his collar of his polo shirt.  It was almost shaggy looking but under the water it was hard to tell. The man then turned around and swam back to the edge of the dock. I just stood there, floating under the water, hidden. But that’s me, always hiding and running, watching everything happen around me while I stay hidden away under the water. I take in a deep breath and sigh. The water comes in my nose but turns into oxygen. I always call myself the little fish girl.  But I don’t think the animal that is like me is a fish, because fish are little creatures that play a big part in the food chain, but they have no personality. If I were to choose the animal that best characterizes me: it would be the fox. They are sly cunning creatures who hide and wait for the right moment to strike, they are clever creatures and so beautiful; always blending in with their surroundings yet they stand out like no other.
I love this lake; it’s in the middle of everything. There are wooden ledges that are all around the lake for fishermen to sit at and fish, and then some grass patches scattered around. Mostly just wood that is part of the doc that circles the lake. The lake was man made, so it basically a perfect circle in the middle of the small town for people to catch fish or hangout underneath the trees that are placed around the lake. But once you get out of dock and tree shaded area, then you are introduced to the town. Little shops and restaurant that our in front of little parking places, then if you look down the row of shops you can see the street where bikers and cars drive down.
I’m still floating in the water, lost in my thoughts when I decide to head for shore.
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- here are some pictures to sum up what it looks like. It's a bit hard to explain. She's this girl who is "different" "magical" and lives under water... You'll see. But here is kinda what the first few paragraphs are trying to give you the Image of... 
But this is not exactly what she looks like.. 
also i have no claim to these photos. 

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